The sea is always the sea, but she is never the same. The water flows to and fro, gives and takes, is always moving, never resting, here and there and away again in great waves. She follows the moon that hides behind the earth, far away and invisible, only to draw in close again. A tango of push and pull, desire and fear, that never ends. Never stops. Never alike.
Tom D. Jones turned this perpetual motion into one of his most beloved subjects. How long does a moment last? Long enough to capture the perpetuity of this great mass of water? Or short enough to see the tiniest splash of a wave: drops of water in the air. We cling to the horizon, the wooden palisades on the beach or the breakwaters of stone, our only anchor. Even the sand shifts in the breeze. Sand and sea flirt and nibble at each other, like languid lovers or furious spouses: always together, never apart, but ever on their own.Time is all we have. And that too will run out, sooner or later.
Life is always life, but it is never the same. It gives and takes, like the sea. It never stops. It is never alike. Perpetual motion until our wave crashes on the beach.
Luc Peeters