"Tom’s committed career has captured images that will serve as pieces of history for generations to come." – Steve McCurry
€ 50
272 p. / 25 x 32 cm / Hardback
Publisher English Version: LANNOO
Publisher German Version: WILD UND FREI by KUNTH

hasselblad Master
In recent years, Tom D. Jones’ fine art photography has won a great many awards in large international competitions. Yet, the most striking one is the Hasselblad Master Award 2012. Worldwide this biennial exclusive photo happening stands for creativity, art and craftsmanship. Consequently, Tom D. Jones is the first Belgian Hasselblad Master to join a list with famous names such as Anton Corbijn, Albert Watson, Marco Grob... His work is characterised by clean compositions, light and depth, reflecting mainly infinite serenity and simplicity.